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The Voices that Calls to Itself
By Hilla Ben Ari

Ticho House - The Israel Musem, Jerusalem
Curator: Timna Seligman
Directing,choreography,art: Hilla Ben Ari
Creative performers: Or Ashkenazi, Avidan Ben Gait, Michael Yalon
Camera: Uri Ackerman
Lighting design: Tamar Orr
Video editor and colorist: Uri Noam
Composition and sound: Yoni Niv
Sound design: Eyal Bitton
Production Manager: Omer Alsheich
Technical Manager - Habit Theatre: Uri Rubinstein
Assistant director: Yahel Dotan
Camera assistant: Emily Shir Segal
Lighting technicians: Arkady Mirchin, Baruch Shpigelman
Creative performer and development: Zuki Ringart
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